Check Point Certified Security Admin R81.10 (CCSA) Version 2024
This 3 day course provides an understanding of basic concepts and skills necessary to configure Check Point Security Gateway and Management Software Blades.
Contenu du cours
Introduction to Check Point Technology
Security Policy Management
Policy Layers
Check Point Security Solutions and Licensing
Traffic Visibility
Basic Concepts of VPN
Managing User Access
Working with ClusterXL
Administrator Task Implementation
Lab Exercises
Working with Gaia Portal
Modifying an Existing Security Policy
Configuring Hide and Static NAT
Managing Administrator Access
Installing and Managing a Remote Security Gateway
Managing Backups
Defining Access Control Policy Layers
Defining and Sharing Security Policy Layers
Working with Licenses and Contracts
Working with Check Point Logs
Maintaining Check Point Logs
Configuring a Site-to-Site VPN
Providing User Access
Working with Cluster XL
Verifying Network Compliance
Working with CP View
Profil formateur
Instructeur certifié par Check Point
Délai d’accès
Se référer aux dates figurant au planning
Évaluations et sanctions de la formation
Quizz intermédiaires
Lab technique en fin de module
Évaluation de satisfaction via un questionnaire pré formation, à chaud et à froid
Attestation de présence et de formation
* Formation distanciel possible :
de votre entreprise
de chez vous
de nos locaux à Sophia Antipolis (équipement Cisco Webex Board)
Nos formations sont accessibles aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Un questionnaire envoyé en amont de la formation invite les participants à nous contacter s’ils ont besoins d’aménagements spécifiques en lien avec leur situation de handicap. Nous nous employons à rechercher, avec les personnes concernées, les moyens de compensation qui leur seront adaptés.
Pour en valider l'accès merci de nous contacter
3 jours soit 21 heures
Prix public
2.900 € HT
à Paris ou distanciel *
9 - 11 septembre 💻
14 - 16 octobre 💻
25 - 27 novembre 💻
Public concerné
This course is designed for technical professionals, who support, install, deploy or administer Check Point Software Blades.
Objectifs pédagogiques
Interpret the concept of a Firewall and understand the mechanisms used for controlling network traffic.
Describe the key elements of Check Point’s unified Security Management Architecture.
Recognize SmartConsole features, functions and tools.
Understand Check Point deployment options.
Describe the basic functions of Gaia.
Describe the essential elements of a Security Policy.
Understand how traffic inspection takes place in a unified Security Policy.
Summarize how administration roles and permissions assist in managing policy.
Recall how to implement backup techniques.
Understand the Check Point policy layer concept.
Recognize Check Point security solutions and products and how they work to protect your network.
Understand licensing and contract requirements for Check Point security products.
Identify tools designed to monitor data, determine threats and recognize performance improvements.
Identify tools designed to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in gateways, tunnels, remote users, traffic flow patterns, and other activities.
Understand Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPN deployments and communities.
Understand how to analyze and interpret VPN traffic.
Recognize how to define users and user groups.
Understand how to manage user access for internal and external users.
Understand the basic concepts of ClusterXL technology and its advantages.
Understand how to perform periodic administrator tasks as specified in administrator job descriptions
Pré requis
General knowledge of TCP/IP
Working knowledge of Windows and/or UNIX, network technology and the Internet
Méthode et Moyens Pédagogiques
Ce cours allie théorie, démonstrations, discussions interactives mais aussi exercices pratiques.
Un support de cours est remis à chaque participant.
Les exercices se basent sur des labs disponible à distance.
📌 date confirmée
💻 distanciel