ADMUMB - Administering and Positioning Cisco Umbrella Operations Version 2024
Cisco Umbrella is a cloud security platform that provides the first line of defense against threats on the Internet. Being able to understand and position how Cisco Umbrella works and what are the features is the key focus of this 3-day Cisco online IT class. Students who enter the course with a basic understanding of Cisco products and IT solutions will be able to describe the Cisco Umbrella, understand Secure Internet Gateway and Ransomware Protection, discuss Threat Intelligence, use Cisco Roaming Client.
Contenu du cours
Module 1: Describe Cisco Umbrella
Umbrella and Available Features Overview
Module 2: Umbrella Deployment Options
DNS Server
Roaming Client
Module 3: Configure Policy Components – Part 1
Destination Lists
Content Categories
Application Settings
Tenant Controls
Security Settings
Module 4: Configure Policy Components – Part 2
Block Page Appearance
Selective Decryption Lists
Bypass Users
Bypass Codes
Module 5: Umbrella Policies-DNS, Firewall and Web
DNS Policies
Firewall Policies
Web Policies
Module 6: Integrating Umbrella with Active Directory
AD Connector and Script
Virtual Appliance
Roaming Client
AnyConnect Roaming Security
Module 7: Umbrella Roaming Security – Roaming Client
Module 8: Umbrella Roaming Security – AnyConnect Roaming Security
Module 9: Cisco Umbrella DNS Mobile Security
MDM Integration
IOS Devices
Android Devices
Module 10: User Account Management
Local Accounts
User Roles
Module 11: Umbrella Reporting
Core Reports
Additional Reports
Management Reports
Module 12: Umbrella Investigate
Module 13: Umbrella Multi-Organization
Module 14: Integrating Umbrella within Cisco SecureX
Lab Outline:
Lab 0: Accessing the Lab Devices
Lab 1: Deploying Cisco Umbrella
Lab 2: Configuring Policy Components
Lab 3: Configuring Umbrella DNS Policy
Lab 4: Configuring Umbrella Firewall Policy
Lab 5: Configuring Umbrella Web Policy
Lab 6: Active Directory Integration using the Virtual Appliance
Lab 7: Deploying Umbrella Roaming Client
Lab 8: Deploying AnyConnect Roaming Security
Lab 9: Umbrella User Account and Roles Management
Lab 10: Umbrella Reporting
Lab 11: Leveraging Umbrella Investigate
Lab 12: SecureX Integration walk-though
3 jours soit 21 heures
Prix public
sur demande
Dates en distanciel *
26 - 28 août 💻🇬🇧
en INTRA sur demande
Public concerné
The primary audience for this course is as follows:
Channel Partner
System Engineers
System Administrators
Security Professionals
Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will gain the following knowledge:
How to describe and position Cisco Umbrella
Discuss Secure Internet Gateway and Ransomware Protection
Learn about DNS & IP layer enforcement & Intelligent Proxy
Describe Command and control callback blocking
Discuss Threat Intelligence
Compare Umbrella Packages
Understand Roaming Security
Basic understanding of Cisco Roaming Client
Understand how to use Cisco Umbrella Virtual Appliance
Explain the ease of Integrating Cisco Umbrella into Active Directory
Discuss Umbrella Reporting
Understand Utilize Multi-Organization Tools
Pré requis
The knowledge and skills that the learner should have before attending this course are as follows:
Basic understanding of Cisco products and solutions
Profil formateur
Instructeur certifié CCSI et DNA
Délai d’accès
Se référer aux dates figurant au planning
Sanction de la formation
Une attestation mentionnant les objectifs, la nature et la durée de l’action et les résultats de l’évaluation des acquis de la formation sera remise au(x) stagiaire(s) à l’issue de la formation
* Formation distanciel possible :
de votre entreprise
de chez vous
de nos locaux à Sophia Antipolis (équipement Cisco Webex Board)
Nos formations sont accessibles aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Un questionnaire envoyé en amont de la formation invite les participants à nous contacter s’ils ont besoins d’aménagements spécifiques en lien avec leur situation de handicap. Nous nous employons à rechercher, avec les personnes concernées, les moyens de compensation qui leur seront adaptés.
Pour en valider l'accès merci de nous contacter
Évaluations et sanctions de la formation
Quizz intermédiaires
Lab technique en fin de module
Évaluation de satisfaction via un questionnaire pré formation, à chaud et à froid
Attestation de présence et de formation
📴 complet
📌 date confirmée
💻 distanciel
🚩 date presque garantie
⏱ décalage horaire
🇬🇧 langue anglaise