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Formation Cisco ENC9K - Mise en œuvre des Switchs Catalyst 9000 Version 2024




The Implementing Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switches (ENC9K) course introduces you to the architecture, capabilities, and implementation of the Cisco® Catalyst® 9000 switching platform. This hands-on course covers many features of this Cisco IOS® XE platform and describes how to manage devices from a single dashboard called Cisco DNA Center™. You will learn how to use the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family of switches to enable Software Defined Access (SD-Access) and provide end-to-end security and automation with centralized management using DNA Center.

Course Benefits :

  • Get to know the next generation in the Cisco Catalyst family of enterprise LAN access, aggregation, and core switches

  • Prepare for successful deployment of the Cisco Catalyst 9000 switching family

  • Understand the role of Cisco Catalyst 9000 switches in the SD-Access fabric

  • Learn to provision Cisco Catalyst 9000 switches using Cisco DNA center as the orchestration platform

  • Gain hands-on practice through in-depth lab exercises

Contenu du cours

  • Module 1: Introducing Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 2: Introducing Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches

  • Module 3: Introducing Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches

  • Module 4: Introducing Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches

  • Module 5: Positioning Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 6: Examining Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches Management Capabilities

  • Module 7: Deploying Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches in Cisco StackWise Virtual and SD-Access Fabric

  • Module 8: Describing New Features on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 9: Describing Scale and Performance Features on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 10: Describing Security, QoS, and IoT Convergence Features on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 11: Describing Cloud and Automation Features on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches

  • Module 12: Describing Cisco SD-Access Solution and Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches



Lab Outline

  • Discovery 1: Discover and Automate the Underlay Topology using PnP Base Automation Service of Cisco DNA Center GUI

  • Discovery 2: Perform GIR on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switch

  • Discovery 3: Manage and Patch Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Software Images using Cisco DNA Center GUI and CLI Commands

  • Discovery 4: Enable and Verify Encrypted Traffic Analytics

  • Discovery 5: Configure Perpetual PoE and Fast PoE on the Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switch

  • Discovery 6: Use Programmability with Python Scripts and NETCONF/YANG for Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switch Management Automation

  • Discovery 7: Deploy Cisco SD-Access Campus Fabric Using Cisco DNA Center Automation


Pré requis

  • Cisco CCNP® Routing and Switching certification or equivalent experienc

  • Knowledge of configuring LAN routing and switching with legacy Cisco Catalyst switche

  • Familiarity with the Cisco IOS XE operating system

  • Awareness of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) as an authentication platform and policy manager

Méthode et Moyens Pédagogiques

Ce cours allie théorie, démonstrations, discussions interactives mais aussi exercices pratiques.
Un support de cours est remis à chaque participant.
Les exercices se basent sur des labs disponible à distance.


Profil formateur 

 Instructeur certifié CCSI et Data Center

Délai d’accès 

Se référer aux dates figurant au planning

Évaluations et sanctions de la formation

  • Quizz intermédiaires 

  • Lab technique en fin de module

  • Évaluation de satisfaction via un questionnaire pré formation, à chaud et à froid

  • Attestation de présence et de formation 




- CLC (Cisco Learning Credit)

- Plan de développement des compétences (OPCO)

- France Travail (ex Pôle Emploi)

- Fonds propres de l'entreprise ou de la personne

- CPF : non pris en charge 



Nos formations sont accessibles aux personnes en situation de handicap.

Un questionnaire envoyé en amont de la formation invite les participants à nous contacter s’ils ont besoins d’aménagements spécifiques en lien avec leur situation de handicap. Nous nous employons à rechercher, avec les personnes concernées, les moyens de compensation qui leur seront adaptés.

Pour en valider l'accès merci de nous contacter


3 jours soit 21 heures

Prix public

  • 2 550 € HT

  • CLC = 30

Dates à Paris ou Distanciel

  • 14 au 16 Octobre

Public concerné

Network engineers, designers, managers, and system engineers who are adopting the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA™) and will use Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switches to enable an SD-Access solution provisioned with DNA Center.

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Review the Cisco Catalyst 9000 switching family, identify the switches’ features, and examine the functionalities purpose-built for Cisco DNA and the SD-Access solution

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switch architecture, model types, port types, uplink modules, and components, including power supplies and stacking cables

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches, different modular chassis, supervisor and line card options, architectural components, uplink and power redundancy, and Multigigabit ports

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches, model types, switch components, RFID support, architecture, and switch profiles

  • Position the different Cisco Catalyst 9000 family switch model types in the network, and map older Cisco Catalyst switches to the 9000 family for migration

  • Examine management capabilities of the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family of switches

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family of switches deployed in a Cisco StackWise Virtual environment and an SD-Access fabric

  • Describe the new Cisco IOS XE software management, patchability, and graceful insertion and removal (GIR) features on the Cisco Catalyst 9000 switching family

  • Describe the scalability and performance features supported by the Cisco Catalyst 9000 switching family

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family’s support for security, quality of service (QoS), and Internet of Things (IoT) convergence features

  • Describe the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family’s support for cloud hosting and connectivity, along with automation features

  • Explore the SD-Access solution fundamentals, deployment models for the Cisco Catalyst 9000 family, and the use of Cisco DNA Center to manage infrastructure devices

💻 Distanciel

 📌 Date Confirmée

⏱ Décalage horaire

🇬🇧 Langue anglaise

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