Formation Cisco SPVI - Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services Version 2024
The Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services (SPVI) course prepares you to manage end-customer Virtual Private Network (VPN) environments built over a common service provider Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) backbone. You will complete hands-on labs to reinforce MPLS VPN fundamental concepts, benefits, and classification, MPLS components, MPLS control plane and data plane operations, MPLS VPN routing using Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF), Layer 2 and Layer 3 MPLS VPNs, IPv6 MPLS VPN implementations, IP Multicast VPNs, and shared services VPNs. The course also covers solutions for deploying MPLS VPN crossing multiple Service Provider domains that improve the use of network bandwidth.
Contenu du cours
Introducing VPN Services
VPN Fundamentals
MPLS VPN Control Plane Operation
Troubleshooting MPLS VPN Underlay
Troubleshoot Core Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
Troubleshoot Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Implementing Layer 3 MPLS VPNs
Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) Routing Requirements in MPLS VPNs
Provider Edge to Customer Edge (PE-to-CE) Routing Requirements in Layer 3 MPLS VPNs
Implementing Layer 3 Interdomain MPLS VPNs
Inter-Autonomous System (AS) for Layer 3 MPLS VPNs
Content Security and Control (CSC) for Layer 3 MPLS VPNs
Implementing Layer 3 Multicast MPLS VPNs
Multicast VPN (MVPN) Fundamentals
Implement Intranet MVPN
Troubleshooting Intra-AS Layer 3 VPNs
Troubleshoot PE-CE Connectivity
Troubleshoot PE-to-Route Reflector
Implementing Layer 2 VPNs
Layer 2 Service Architecture and Carrier Ethernet Services
Refresh on Traditional Ethernet LAN (E-LAN), E-Line, and E-Tree Solutions
Troubleshooting Layer 2 VPNs
Troubleshoot Common Issues for Traditional E-Line, E-LAN, and E-Tree Ethernet Solutions
Troubleshoot Common Issues for Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Native, EVPN Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS), and EVPN Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) Solutions
Implementing Layer 3 IPv6 MPLS VPNs
Classical Solutions for Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 Environments
Using 6VPE to Deploy IPv6 Connectivity over MPLS Environment
Troubleshooting Layer 3 IPv6 MPLS VPNs
Troubleshooting PE-to-PE Connectivity
Lab outline
Verify the Service Provider Backbone Operation for MPLS VPN
Work with VRF Instances
Troubleshoot the MPLS VPN Backbone
Configure MP-BGP as the PE-CE Routing Protocol
Configure and Verify PE-to-CE Routing Requirements
Enable Shared Services VPN
Deploy Internet Access as a VPN Service
Troubleshoot Layer 3 MPLS VPN End-Customer Connectivity
Implement Different EVPN Solutions
Troubleshoot EVPN VPWS
Implement IPv6 VPN Provider Edge Router (6VPE)
This course prepares you for the 300-515 Implementing Cisco® Service Provider VPN Services (SPVI) exam. By passing this exam, you earn the Cisco Certified Specialist - Service Provider VPN Services Implementation certification, and you satisfy the concentration exam requirement for the CCNP® Service Provider certification.
Profil formateur
Instructeur certifié CCSI et Service Provider
Délai d’accès
Se référer aux dates figurant au planning
Sanction de la formation
Une attestation mentionnant les objectifs, la nature et la durée de l’action et les résultats de l’évaluation des acquis de la formation sera remise au(x) stagiaire(s) à l’issue de la formation
Évaluations et sanctions de la formation
Quizz intermédiaires
Lab technique en fin de module
Évaluation de satisfaction via un questionnaire pré formation, à chaud et à froid
Attestation de présence et de formation
- CLC (Cisco Learning Credit)
- Plan de développement des compétences (OPCO)
- France Travail (ex Pôle Emploi)
- Fonds propres de l'entreprise ou de la personne
- CPF : non pris en charge
Nos formations sont accessibles aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Un questionnaire envoyé en amont de la formation invite les participants à nous contacter s’ils ont besoins d’aménagements spécifiques en lien avec leur situation de handicap. Nous nous employons à rechercher, avec les personnes concernées, les moyens de compensation qui leur seront adaptés.
Pour en valider l'accès merci de nous contacter
5 jours soit 35 heures
Prix public
Présentiel : 4.150 € HT
43 CLC
e-Learning : sur demande
Dates à Paris ou en distanciel*
du 1er au 5 Juillet 📌
du 21 au 25 Octobre
Public concerné
This course is for network professionals who need to learn the techniques to implement, configure, monitor, and support Service Provider VPN solutions based on MPLS backbones.
Network administrators
Network engineers
Network supervisors
Network managers
Network Operations Center (NOC) personnel
Network designers
Network architects
Channel partners
Objectifs pédagogiques
This course will help you:
Gain valuable skills in reinforcing MPLS VPN fundamental concepts, benefits, and classifications
Learn to configure optional paths for traffic to avoid network congestion
Prepare to take the 300-515 SPVI exam
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Describe VPN concepts and operation in a Service Provider environment
Implement Layer 3 MPLS VPN operations in a Service Provider environment
Implement Layer 3 Inter-domain MPLS VPN services traversing multiple Service Providers
Implement Layer 3 Multicast MPLS VPN operations in a Service Provider environment
Troubleshoot typical issues in Layer 3 MPLS VPN environments
Implement Layer 2 VPN operations in a Service Provider environment
Troubleshoot Layer 2 VPN issues in a Service Provider network
Implement MPLS VPN solutions for IPv6 environments
Troubleshoot MPLS VPN solutions for IPv6 environments
Pré requis
Before taking this course, you should have Service Provider knowledge at the professional level, equivalent to the material in the following Cisco courses:
In the new certification program, foundational material is covered in these courses:
Méthode et Moyens Pédagogiques
Ce cours allie théorie, démonstrations, discussions interactives mais aussi exercices pratiques.
Un support de cours est remis à chaque participant.
Les exercices se basent sur des labs disponible à distance.
📴 complet
📌 date confirmée
💻 distanciel
⏱ décalage horaire
🇬🇧 langue anglaise